06/07/2022 | Primary Election | Polling Places | |
Precinct Name | Polling Place | Address | |
BBLL | Brooke-Barnes-Lee-Lincoln-(includes the Cities of Linn Grove, Rembrandt, and Sioux Rapids) | American Legion Building | 200 Main, Sioux Rapids |
CFNP | Coon-Fairfield-Newell-Poland-(includes the Cities of Albert City, Newell, and Marathon) | Albert City School Gym | 300 Orchard St., Albert City |
EMNS | Elk, Maple Valley-Nokomis-Scott-(includes the City of Alta) | Community Center | 27 Lake St., Alta |
GHPW | Grant-Hayes-Providence-Washington-(includes the Cities of Lakeside and Truesdale) | Lakeside City Hall | 203 Lakeshore Dr., Lakeside |
SL01 | Storm Lake 1 | BV County Engineer Building | 526 Radio Road, Storm Lake |
SL02 | Storm Lake 2 | Storm Lake Library | 609 Cayuga St., Storm Lake |
SL03 | Storm Lake 3 | St. Mark Lutheran Church | 1614 W 5th St, Storm Lake |
SL04 | Storm Lake 4 | Courthouse Public Meeting Room | 215 E. 5th St., Storm Lake |
Please note the change of polling places above for the 2022 Primary Election. The locations above are not the same as the locations used in the previous 2020 Primary Election, as those were temporarily changed to meet Covid-19 public health guidelines. Other changes to the Precincts were due to the Census Reprecincting. If you have any questions on the polling sites, please call (712)749-2542.