Due to an influx of new applicants, Buena Vista County’s Recorder’s Office will be requiring appointments for passports for the forseeable future. Appointments can be made from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Monday through Friday. Please call 712-749-2539 to schedule an appointment.
Along with this change, the BV County Recorder’s Office would like to remind applicants that, due to mail delays, passports can take up to 18 weeks from submission to when you receive it. Per the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Office:
- Mail delays are impacting when we receive passport applications for processing. Our processing times begin the day we receive your application, not the day you mail it.
- Routine service can take up to 18 weeks from the day an application is submitted to the day a new passport is received. The 18-week timeframe includes up to 12 weeks for processing and up to 6 weeks for mailing times on the front and back end.
- Expedite service (for an additional $60) can take up to 12 weeks from the day an application is submitted to the day a new passport is received. The 12-week timeframe includes up to 6 weeks for processing and up to 6 weeks for mailing times on the front and back end.
- Our processing times (up to 12 weeks for routine; up to 6 weeks for expedite) do not include mailing times. Mail times vary and delays have been significant. Plan ahead.
Questions and appointments can be directed to the Recorder’s Office at 712-749-2539.