Duties & Responsibilities
The Board of Supervisors is the executive and administrative branch of the county government. The supervisors make policy for the county, administer the various county programs and have final authority over the county budget. Its main responsibility is setting a county budget to meet the needs of the rural population in the township areas and the human service needs of the entire county. The budget process begins in the late fall and is certified to the State of Iowa by the following March 15th. The county operates on a fiscal year that runs from July 1 through June 30.
Buena Vista County elects five members to its board who serve staggered, four-year terms. In a Presidential election year, three positions are voted on, and two positions are voted on in the Gubernatorial Election year.
Make appointments to non-elected county offices and to county boards and commissions. Fill vacancies in elected county offices occurring in the interim between elections except vacancies occurring in its own membership.
Approve budget proposals of county offices and levy property taxes to raise revenues.
Review claims against Buena Vista County and order payment of those claims.
Manage all county buildings and grounds.
Secondary Roads System
Supervise construction and maintenance of the secondary roads systems.
Social Services
Oversee the health and social service needs for all county residents.
Vote Canvassing
Make an official canvass of votes cast in Buena Vista County for elections.
Approve applications, on behalf of the State of Iowa, permits for beer and liquor sales by businesses in the unincorporated areas of the county.
Tax Credits
Approve homestead and military service tax credit applications.