Emergency Management Agency
The Buena Vista County Emergency Management Agency is responsible for the development and maintenance of the County’s All Hazards Emergency Operations plan, the Recovery plan, the Mitigation Plan and the Strategic Plan for Emergency Services. The Coordinator plans and facilitates county wide disaster exercises. The Agency sponsors critical training opportunities for emergency responders, partner agencies, and the public to ensure that Buena Vista County is prepared to deal with all hazards that may impact it and its citizens.
Department of Homeland Security
Iowa Homeland Security
Iowa Emergency Management Association
2023 Buena Vista County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Aimee Barritt
BV County Emergency Management Agency
411 Expansion Blvd
PO Box 276
Storm Lake, Iowa 50588
Phone: (712) 749-2705
Fax: (712) 732-3397
Cell: (712) 299-4114
Office Located at:
BV County Law Enforcement Center
411 Expansion Blvd
Storm Lake, Iowa