If your property is in Buena Vista County and you disagree with your property assessment you may appeal your assessment with our office.
Iowa Law as it Pertains to Appealing Your Assessment to the Buena Vista County Board of Review:
- The County Assessor is required to notify each property owner of their assessment each year by April 1 if there was a value change.
- Any property owner or aggrieved taxpayer who is dissatisfied with the property assessment may file an appeal against such assessment with the Board of Review on or after April 2, to and including April 30, of the year of the assessment.
- Said appeal shall be in writing and signed by the one appealing or by the petitioner’s duly authorized agent. The taxpayer may have an oral hearing thereon if request therefore in writing is made at the time of the filing the protest.
- The Board of Review reviews all petitions and has the power to confirm or to adjust upward or downward any assessment.
For more information regarding the Board of Review please click here.
Filing a Petition to Appeal Your Assessment
The petition (PDF) must be filed or mailed to the Buena Vista County Assessor’s Office from April 2 through April 30. It must be postmarked no later than April 30.
Filing by Mail
Mail to:
Buena Vista County Assessor’s Office
215 E 5th Street
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Filing Electronically
Petitions may be electronically submitted by fax or email.
Fax: 712-749-2544
Email completed petition to the Buena Vista County Assessor’s Office
If you have questions, please contact the Buena Vista County Assessor’s Office at 712-749-2543
Iowa Code Sections
The following Code Sections address and explain the Laws and Procedures associated with property assessments and filing an appeal petition with the Board of Review:
Code of Iowa Secition 441.21 (Actual, assessed, and taxable value (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.28 (Assessment Rolls – Change – notice to taxpayer) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.30 (Informal assessment review period – recommendation) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.33 (Sessions of Board of Review) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.35 (Powers of review board) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.36 (Change of assessment – notice) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.37 (Protest of assessment – grounds) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.37A (Appeal of protest to property assessment appeal board) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.38 (Appeal to district court) (PDF)
Code of Iowa Section 441.38B (Appeal to district court from property assessment appeal board) (PDF)