- Administrative Board Of Directors Of The 3rd Judicial District
- Ag Extension Officials
- Buena Vista Community Foundation
- Buena Vista County Bar Association
- Buena Vista County Board of Review
- Buena Vista County Board Of Supervisors
- Buena Vista County Civil Service Commission
- Buena Vista County Compensation Board
- Buena Vista County Conference Board
- Buena Vista County Conservation Board
- Buena Vista County Coop/COG Planning Committee
- Buena Vista County Eminent Domain Compensation Commission
- Buena Vista County Engineer
- Buena Vista County Examining Board
- Buena Vista County Fair Board
- Board of Directors
- Buena Vista Local De-cat Board
- Buena Vista County Judges
- Buena Vista County Medical Examiner And Deputies
- Buena Vista County Planning & Zoning Commission
- Buena Vista County Local Emergency Management Commission
- Buena Vista County Trails Advisory Council
- Buena Vista Solid Waste Commission
- Buena Vista E-911 Service Board
- Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center
- Cherokee MHI Advisory Council
- Compass Point aka: Northwest Iowa Alcohol Aand Drug Treatment Unit
- Custodian Of Supervisors Records
- Drainage Attorney
- Drainage District Interim Board
- Drug And Alcohol Testing Alliance
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
- Friends Of Little Lake Discovery Center Board
- Inheritance Tax Commission
- Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation
- SAFTEA-LU Enhancement Committee
- SAFTEA-LU Technical Committee
- Judicial Magistrate Appointing Commission
- Labor Negotiations
- Lake Improvements Commission
- Lincoln Benefited Fire District Board Of Trustees
- Local Board of Health
- Lock-out/Tag-out Program
- Mental Health Advocate
- Northwest Iowa Planning And Development Commission
- Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Authority
- Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund
- NW IA Juvenile Detention Center (YES)
- Plains Area Mental Health Board
- Region III Emergency Planning Council
- Region 3 RPA Transportation Alternatives Committee
- Region 3 RPA Transportation Technical Committee
- Regional Workforce Investment Board (Formerly Iowa Workforce Development Board)
- Regional Transit Board (RIDES)
- Rolling Hills Community Services Region GovernanceBoard
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Board
- Sanitary District, Lake Creek CC Trustee
- Sanitary District, Southwest Shoreline Trustee
- Storm Lake Airport Master Plan AdvisoryCommittee
- Storm Lake United Development
- Storm Lake United Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund
- Storm Lake Water Quality Project Advisory Committee
- Synergy/Jackson Recovery Center
- Title VI Coordinator
- 3-County Empowerment Board
- U.S. 20 Corridor Task Force
- Upper Des Moines Opportunity Board
- Veterans Affairs Commission
- Western Iowa Tourism Council
- Whitney Pit Farm And South Hayes Pit Farm
- Zoning Board Of Adjustment
- County Operations Committees
Administrative Board of Directors of the 3rd Judicial District – Department Of Correctional Services
Kelly Snyder – Representative
Buena Vista Community Foundation
Justin Yarosevich – President
Don Peterson – Vice President
Linda Baier (Rural BV County) – Treasurer
Mike Katchman (Sioux Rapids)
Cheryl Anderson (Linn Grove)
Dave Rydstrom (Rural BV County)
Doug Rebhuhn (Rembrandt)
Kelly Snyder (Marathon)
Julie Sievers (Newell)
Russ Chrischilles (Lakeside)
Marlowe Feldman (Albert City)
Buena Vista County Bar Association
Ryan A Mohr – President
Gary Armstrong, Willis J Hamilton, Dave Patton, Alan Bridge, Henry Hardt, Hugh Perry, James W Gailey, W Ted Brown, Phil Havens, Phil Redenbaugh, Dan Connell, Dave Jennett, Steven T Roth, Katie F Morgan, Mark T Cornish, Nola Jensen, James A Schall, Mary Ann Diehl, Ryan A Mohr, Andrew J Smith, Mary Hamilson, Edean Murray, Steven D Hamilton, John Murray, Willis J Hamilton, Norris G Onley Jr, Joshua Walsh
Buena Vista County Board of Review
The County Board of Review is appointed by the County Conference Board for 6-year terms. The Board of Review meets on May 1st at the office of the County Assessor and will meet until its duties are completed, which shall be no later than the 1st day of June. This is an independent board to which property owners may appeal if they feel their assessment is excessive or inequitable. The Board of Review has broad powers including the right to increase or decrease any assessment. If a property owner is not satisfied with the Board’s decision, they can file an appeal with the Property Assessment Appeal Board or in district court.
The Board shall adjust the assessment, by raising or lowering, of any person, partnership, corporation or associations as to any of the items of their assessment in such a manner as to secure the listing of property at market value. It shall also add to the assessment rolls any taxable property not included therein, assessing the same in the name of the owner. All meetings of the board shall be public and it shall keep minutes of its proceedings. The County Board of Review shall have all the power of local boards of review now prescribed by Section 441.31, 2009 Code of Iowa, and appeal may be taken from any Acts as provided by Section 441.37.
Buena Vista County Board of Review
Shane Caraway – Contractor
Margie Robinson – Real Estate Broker
Dan Robinson – Appraiser
Mitch Stille – Farmer
Melinda Cords – Sales Representative
The links below provide information regarding the appeal and some of the requirements or suggestions you may utilize as you consider the appeal of your value to the Board of Review. Please follow this link for the Buena Vista County Procedural Rules and Petition to the Board of Review to be used when filing an appeal to the Board of Review.
Buena Vista County Board Of Supervisors
District 1: Kathy Croker
District 2: Kelly Snyder
District 3: Paul Merten
District 4: Rhonda Ringgenberg
District 5: Dan Hartman
Buena Vista County Civil Service Commission [341A.2]
Term, 6 years (by appointment). [341A.2] The Civil Service Commission is composed of 3 members, 1 appointed by each: Board of Supervisors, Presiding District Court Judge, and County Attorney.
Member | Appointed By | Term Expires |
Don Diehl | Board Of Supervisors | 12/31/2023 |
Paul Allen | County Attorney | 12/31/2025 |
Tom Ryherd | Judges | 12/31/2023 |
Buena Vista County Compensation Board [331.905]
Term, 4 years (by appointment). Chapter 331.905, 1999 Code of Iowa creates a County Compensation Board composed of 7 members. Each elected official (Attorney, Auditor, Recorder, Sheriff, and Treasurer) appoints a member, with the Board of Supervisors appointing 2 members. The Board shall annually review the compensation paid to comparable offices in other Iowa counties, other states, private enterprise, and the federal government. It shall prepare a recommended compensation schedule. This schedule shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for approval or amendment to become effective on the 1st day of July next following its adoption by the Board of Supervisors.
Lisa Best: Attorney’s Representative Thru 6/30/2026
Kyle Cjeka: Recorder’s Representative Thru 6/30/2024
Leigh Madsen & Mike Sandhoff: Supervisor’s Representative Thru 6/30/2026
Mona Mason: Treasurer’s Representative Thru 6/30/2026
Wendy Rice-Larson: Auditor’s Representative Thru 6/30/2024
Jeff Stewart: Sheriff’s Representative Thru 6/30/2024
Buena Vista County Coop/COG Planning Committee
Merten – Representative
Buena Vista County Conference Board
The conference board serves as the governing board for the office of the assessor. The conference board has the responsibility of appointing members of the examining board, members of the board of review, and the assessor. The conference board shall annually review, propose changes if necessary, and adopt the assessor’s budget. The conference board approves the position of deputy assessor, the number of deputy assessors and reappointment of the assessor. The conference board shall have power to employ appraisers and other technical help to assist in the valuation of property. It is important that the members are knowledgeable of their responsibilities outlined in chapter 441 of the Code of Iowa. This guide was created to give the conference board membership an overview of those responsibilities.
Conference Board Membership In each county and each city having an assessor, there shall be a conference board. County and city boards shall consist of three units. County Conference Board The county conference board shall consist of the mayors of all incorporated cities whose property is assessed by the county assessor, one representative from the board of directors of each high school district who is a resident of the county, and members of the county board of supervisors. Each school district shall, at their organizational meeting, appoint a director to serve a one-year term on the conference board. Each high school district within the county, regardless if they have a school located in the county, is entitled to a member on the county conference board. Again, that member must be a resident of the county. The clerk of the conference board shall be notified of the appointee. There are no provisions in the Code of Iowa for alternates or substitutes to serve for members of the conference board except the mayor pro-tem may serve in the absence of the mayor. A mayor pro-tem must be a council member who was previously designated. The chairperson of the county board of supervisors shall act as the chairperson of the county conference board and the county assessor as clerk.
Conference Board
Voting Unit | Representing | First Name | Last Name |
Board of Supervisors | District #1 | Kathy | Croker |
Board of Supervisors | District #2 | Kelly | Snyder |
Board of Supervisors | District #3 | Paul | Merten |
Board of Supervisors | District #5 | Don | Altena |
Board of Supervisors | District #4 | Rhonda | Ringgenberg |
Mayor | Albert City | Dale | Skog |
Mayor | Alta | Kevin | Walsh |
Mayor | Lakeside | Roger | Pomrenke |
Mayor | Linn Grove | Aaron | Anderson |
Mayor | Marathon | Dana | Snow |
Mayor | Newell-Fonda | Justin | Melohn |
Mayor | Rembrandt | Doyle | Engebretson |
Mayor | Sioux Rapids | James | Wise |
Mayor | Storm Lake | Mike | Porsch |
Mayor | Truesdale | Danny | Russell |
School Board | Albert City-Truesdale | Kyle | Swenson |
School Board | Alta-Aurelia | Angelique | Anderson |
School Board | Newell- Fonda | Gary | Morenz |
School Board | Sioux Central | ||
School Board | Storm Lake | David | Skibsted |
Buena Vista County Conservation Board [350.2]
Term, 5 years (by appointment). Chapter 350 of the 1999 Code of Iowa authorizes the Board of Supervisors to appoint a 5-member Conservation Board to plan, develop, preserve, administer and maintain all parks and playgrounds of the county. By this authority, the Conservation Board authorizes the Board of Supervisors to levy a tax on all real estate of the county. The funds raised are to be used to cultivate good citizenship by providing adequate programs of public recreation.
DIRECTOR – Greg Johnson
DIST 1: Jeff Kestel, Storm Lake thru 12/31/2029
DIST 2: Sarah Vanderhoff, Lynn Grove thru 12/31/2027
DIST 3: Tyrone Seaman, Storm Lake thru 12/31/2028
DIST 4: Rick Meyer, Alta thru 12/31/2026
DIST 5: Erica Larsen, Storm Lake thru 12/31/2025
Buena Vista County Eminent Domain Compensation Commission [6B.4]
Term, 1 year (by appointment). The Board of Supervisors shall appoint annually not less than 28 residents of the county to serve as members of a Compensation Commission. One-fourth each, of those appointed, shall be owner-operators of agricultural property, owners of city property, licensed real estate salespersons or brokers, and persons having knowledge of property values in the county by reason of their occupation, such as bankers, auctioneers, appraisers, etc. The Chief Judge of the Judicial District shall select 6 people from the list to assess the damages to the property concerned according to Sec. 6B of the 1999 Code of Iowa. The appraisal of damages shall be final unless appealed.
Farmers: Stan Peters, Mike Pedersen, Rich Langner, Phil Driver, Don Peterson, Don Diehl, (1 Vacancy)
Realtors: Clark Fort, Margie Robinson, Rob Smith, Marv Munden, Steve Jimmerson, Mark Williams, (1 vacancy)
For Cities: (7 vacancies)
For Their Occupation: Mark Rehnstrom, Ben Nesheim, Randy Johnson, Kevin Cone, (2 Vacancies)
Buena Vista County Engineer
Bret Wilkinson
Buena Vista County Examining Board (441.3)
The Examining Board is composed of 3 persons, 1 selected by each voting unit of the Conference Board, with a 6-year term (by appointment). When a vacancy in the office of County Assessor occurs, the Examining Board requests a list of individuals eligible for appointment from the Iowa Dept of Revenue and Finance. The Examining Board prepares a written report on said list for the Director of Revenue and Finance. The Conference Board makes the selection from the list on said report. [441.8]
Member Appointed by Term Expires:
Keri Navratil – Mayors Representative 12/31/2027
Jeff Dicks – School Board Representative 12/31/2027
Sandy Krummen – Board of Supervisors Representative 12/31/2027
Buena Vista County Fair Board
Membership is attained by buying a share of stock, with application for membership to be submitted prior to the annual meeting in November, and with acceptance determined by vote of the members. Annually, the Fair Board conducts a county fair in July. The Raceway Association is a committee of the Fair Board. Races are currently held through the summer months.
Website: https://www.bvcountyfair.com/
Mason Troendle – President
Brent Meyer – Vice President
Jake Schable – Secretary/manager
Jennifer Launderville -Treasurer
Board Of Directors
Randy Robbins, Brent Meyer, Jake Heuton, Sierra Phipps, Arlo Hogrefe, Cody Ann Demers, Jim Peterson, Jake Schable, Robbie Carlson, Elissa Goebel, Jeff Demers
Buena Vista County Local Emergency Management Commission [29c.9]
The Emergency Management Commission, formerly known as the Disaster Services Board, shall be composed of the county board of Supervisors, and the Mayors (or their representatives) of the cities within the county, and the Sheriff of the county. The Board shall appoint a coordinator who shall be responsible for the administration and coordination of all civil defense and emergency planning matters throughout the county, both man-made and natural disasters.
Aimee Barritt
Kelly Snyder – delegate
All remaining Supervisors – alternate
Buena Vista County Planning & Zoning Commission
Eight members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, with the Zoning Director serving as administrative secretary. Members may be removed by vote of the Board of Supervisors after investigating a need for this action. Any matter coming before the commission requires a majority vote to pass, and the chairman, elected by the members may also cast a vote. Duties include development of county a zoning ordinance, and sub-division ordinances, in concurrence with the Board of Supervisors and the County Engineer. Also, the commission has enforcement responsibilities for the ordinances with regard to any changes within the county’s zoning and recommendations of subdivisions within these ordinances. All recommendations made by the commission are then presented the Board of Supervisors for final disposition.
Administrator – Ben Mueggenberg
Kyle Hansen
Gary Sundblad
Steve Gustafson
Melanie Anderson
Richard Mashall
Marvin Engel
Buena Vista E-911 Service Board [34A.3]
The purpose of the Buena Vista County E-911 Service Board is to plan and develop E-911 emergency telephone service for people living within the confines of the Buena Vista County E-911 Service area. The Board shall provide management and oversight of the system and set forth and define standards, policies, and rules of operation for the E-911 Service System.
Representative Supervisor Storm Lake
Kelly Snyder- Representative
All remaining Supervisors- alternate
Secretary & E911 Coordinator
Mark Van Hooser
Buena Vista Solid Waste Commission [28e.2]
Dan Hartman – Supervisor
Kathy Croker – Alternate
Abe Falkena – Albert City
Megan Peterson – Alta
Gary Wallburg – Lakeside
Starr Abbas – Marathon
Dave Wiley – Newell
Eric Mosbo – Rembrandt
David Althaus – Sioux Rapids
Mike Wilson – Storm Lake
Barry Meyer – Truesdale
Buena Vista Local De-Cat Board
Rhonda Ringgenberg – Representative
Buena Vista County Judges
Magistrate – Andrew Smith
Juvenile – Mary Timko
Central Iowa Juvenile Detention Center
Paul Merten – Representative
Randy Robbins, Brent Meyer, Jake Heuton, Sierra Phipps, Arlo Hogrefe, Cody Ann Demers, Jim Peterson, Jake Schable, Robbie Carlson, Elissa Goebel, Jeff Demers
Buena Vista County Medical Examiner And Deputies [331.801]
Dr. Garrett Feddersen, County Medical Examiner
Tim Speers, Chief Medical Examiner
Greg Ebersole, Deputy Medical Examiner
Dave Patton, Deputy Medical Examiner
Kaylynn Smit, Deputy Medical Examiner
Jennifer Hustedt, Medical Examiner Investigator (MEI)
Cherokee MHI Advisory Council
Dawn Mentzer
Compass Point (Northwest Iowa Alcohol And Drug Treatment Unit)
Kathy Croker
Kelly Snyder
Custodian Of Supervisors Records
Susan K Lloyd
Drainage Attorney
Gary Armstrong
Drainage District Watchman
Brian Blomme
Drainage District #181, #274, #14-42, #22, and #150 Interim Board
Kelly Snyder – Delegate
Gary Atherton Jt. DD# 181 Watchman
Drug and Alcohol Testing Alliance
Bret Wilkinson – Secondary Contact
Karen Crilly- Primary Contact
Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
Paul Merten, Supervisor
Friends Of Little Lake Discovery Center Board
Paul Merten
Inheritance Tax Commission [Code Section 450.24]
W Ted Brown
Ryan Mohr
Mark Cornish
Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation
Kathy Croker – Representative
Region 3 RPA Transportation Alternatives Committee
Paul Merten – Representative
All Other Board Members – Delegates
Region 3 RPA Transportation Technical Committee
Bret Wilkinson – Technical Representative
Justin Anderson- Alternate
Judicial Magistrate Appointing Commission [602.6503]
Term, 6 years (by appointment). [602.6503] The Judicial Magistrate Appointing Commission (Section of the 1999 Code of Iowa) is composed of the following members: a district court judge, (designated by the chief judge of the district), 3 members appointed by the Board of Supervisors, and 2 attorneys elected by the County Bar. The magistrate shall have jurisdiction over non-indictable misdemeanors, including traffic and ordinance violations, preliminary hearings, search warrant proceedings, forcible entry and detainer actions, and small claims.
Appointed By Board Of Supervisors
Term: 1/1/2021-12/31/2026 Becky Drahota
Term: 1/1/2021-12/31/2026 Don Diehl
Term: 1/1/2021-12/31/2026 Sara Monroy Huddleston
Appointed By BV County Bar Association
Term: 10/11/2015-12/31/2020 Dave Jennett
Term: 10/11/2015-12/31/2020 Mark Cornish
Labor Negotiations
Board Chairman – Representative
All Other Board Members – Delegates
Lake Improvements Commission
Seven Members Total From The Following Entities
Buena Vista County – Paul Merten
Buena Vista County – Kathy Croker
City Of Lakeside – Charlie Larson
City Of Storm Lake – Meg McKeon
City Of Storm Lake – Mike Porsch
Lake Preservation Association – Ryan Mohr
Lake Preservation Association – Steve Roth
Ex-Officio – Don Diehl
Lincoln Benefited Fire District Board Of Trustees (Appointed)
Jim Nelsen appointed clerk 6/30/2025
Mark Herrig Thru 6/2024
Tim Heuton Thru 6/2023
Local Board of Health [137.4] (3 Year Term)
The Board of Health’s basic obligation is to the community, whom it represents, but it also has a responsibility to the people who use the service, and to the programs and staff of Public Health & Home Care and Environmental Health which it governs.
The membership of the Buena Vista County Board of Health shall consist of five (5) persons appointed by the Buena Vista County Board of Supervisors, at least one (1) of whom shall be a physician licensed to practice in the state of Iowa.
Board members include:
CHAIRPERSON: Jon McKenna, RPh thru 12/31/2024
VICE CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Robert Whitmore thru 12/31/2025
SECRETARY: Shelly Rock, RN thru 12/31/2023
MEMBER: Julie Sievers thru 12/31/2024
MEMBER: Rhonda Ringgenberg, Board of Supervisor thru 12/31/2023
Ordinances Adopted by the Board of Health
Lock – Out / Tag-out Program
Joe Keller
Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Authority (28e.2)
Lee Dutfield thru 12/31/2028
Northwest Iowa Planning And Development Commission
Kelly Snyder – Delegate
All remaining Supervisors – Delegates
Jim Patrick
Jon Kruse
Dale Arends-Citizen – Representative
Northwest Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund
Kathy Croker
Steve Jimmerson
NW IA Juvenile Detention Center (YES)
Kelly Snyder- Representative
All remaining Supervisors – Alternates
Plains Area Mental Health Board
Merten – as a non-voting member
Region III Emergency Planning Council
Kelly Snyder – Delegate
All remaining Supervisors – Alternates
Regional Workforce Investment Board (Formerly Iowa Workforce Development Board – Region 5)
Kelly Snyder – Delegate
Regional Transit Board (RIDES)
Kelly Snyder – Delegate
Rolling Hills Community Services Region Governance Board
Merten – representative
S.H.I.E.L.D. Board
Kelly Snyder – Representative
Paul Merten – Alternate
Sanitary District, Lake Creek CC Trustee [358.9]
6 year term
Neal Kuehl (Term Expires 1/2/2028)
Matt Adams (Term Expires 1/2/2028)
Daniel Jones (Term Expires 1/2/2025)
Sanitary District, Southwest CC Trustee [358.9]
6 year term
Bob Bergendoff (Term Expires 1/2/2023)
Steve Anderson (Term Expires 1/2/2021)
Harry Schaller (Term Expires 1/2/2025)
Storm Lake Airport Master Plan Advisory Committee
Ringgenberg – representative
Storm Lake United Development
Rhonda Ringgenberg – representative
Storm Lake United Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund
Rhonda Ringgenberg – Ex-Officio Member
Dan Hartman – Ex-Officio Member
Storm Lake Water Quality Project Advisory Committee
Rhonda Ringgenberg
Synergy/Jackson Recovery Center
Kathy Croker – Representative
Title VI Coordinator
Bret Wilkinson
3-County Early Childhood Iowa Board Board (Empowerment)
Rhonda Ringgenberg – Representative
Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Inc. Board
Dan Hartman – Delegate
Veterans Affairs Commission [Chapter 35b]
Term, 3 years (by appointment); bond $500 each. As provided for in Chapter 35B.4 of the 1999 Code of Iowa, the Board of Supervisors is required to appoint a 3-member commission to administer the Veteran’s Relief Program. Members of the commission must be citizens of the United States who have been honorably discharged from one of the country’s Armed Forces and who have served in any wars of this country. The membership must be equally divided, as nearly as possible, among veterans of the various wars. They shall prepare a budget annually and submit the same to the Board of Supervisors for approval and appropriation. This commission shall disburse the Veterans Program of the county under the control of the Board of Supervisors. They meet the first Thursday of each month and other times as necessary.
Andrew Kelly, Member (06/30/2026)
Corey Diischer, Member (06/30/2025)
Lee Meth, Member (06/30/2027)
Ron Witham, Member (06/30/2027)
Paul Sennert, Member (06/30/2026)
Western Iowa Tourism Council
Kathy Croker
Breanna Horsey
Whitney Pit Farm And South Hayes Pit Farm
Paul Merten – For Leases
Bret Wilkinson & Paul Merten – For Grain Sales At The South Hayes Pit
Zoning Board Of Adjustment [335.10]
Term, 5 years (by appointment) [335.10] The Board of Adjustment consists of 5 members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
The duties of the Board of Adjustment are to hear and decide on appeals, special exceptions and variances. Members shall appoint a chairman and co-chairman with the zoning director acting as the secretary.
Zoning Administrator:
Ben Mueggenberg
Dist 1: Thru 12/31/2025
Jason Meyer
Dist 2: Thru 12/31/2027
Greg Sundblad
Dist 3: Thru 12/31/2023
Steve Lind
Dist 4: Thru 12/31/2026
Richard Langner
Dist 5: Thru 12/31/2024
Mitch Sievers
County Operations Committees
ADA Coordinator
Susan Lloyd
HIPAA Compliance Committee
Julie Sathers, Dawn Mentzer, Susan Lloyd, Tyler Van Houten, Paul Merten
County Engineer
Bret Wilkinson – authorized to close roads as necessary
Weed Commissioner
Greg Johnson
Brian Jones – Deputy
Buena Vista County Courthouse Committee
Supervisor – volunteer Joe Keller – Grounds
Courthouse/Judicial Security Committee
Sheriff, Bldg/Grouds Supt., IT Director, County Auditor, County Attorney, Clerk of Court, Member of the Board of
Supervisors (Snyder), Associate District Judge Andy Smith
Buena Vista County Facilities Committee
Curt Reis, Susan Lloyd, Joe Keller, Bret Wilkinson, Paul Merten, Tyler Van Houten
Buena Vista County Safety Committee
Dan Hartman, Kory Elston, Bruce McGowan, Ron Reckamp, Justin Anderson, Stephanie Anderson, Joe Keller, Yvonne Sandhoff, Greg Johnson, Aimee Barritt, Tyler VanHouten, Dave Andrews, Jerilyn Sahr, Connie Jesse, and Brian Blomme, with Mike Raner as Safety Coordinator.
Buena Vista County Weather Committee
Bret Wilkinson, Kory Elston, Paul Merten, and Kelly Snyder.
Buena Vista County Personnel Committee
Board of Supervisor’s Chair, Bret Wilkinson, Kory Elston, Danelle Haberman, Susan Lloyd, and Yvonne
Sandhoff as members of the Personnel Committee (includes employee handbook updates).