Time: Tuesday, 8:30 A.M. (Meeting will be in the Boardroom)
Scheduled Appointments:
**Approve Agenda**
8:30 — 8:50 — Engineer Bret Wilkinson re: Resolution to sell property in Truesdale; utility permit for Alliant Energy; Secondary Road report
8:50 — 8:55 — Hear the Public
8:55 — 9:00 — Action Items, approve minutes and accept the reports, Supervisor meeting reports
9:00 — 9:15 — Treasurer Danelle Haberman re: Request for a school class to tour the Courthouse in May; request to allow employees to donate vacation or comp time to an employee on family medical leave; Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report (12/31/24)
9:15 — 9:35 — County Attorney Paul Allen re: Possible Closed Session — Chapter 21.5(1)(c) of the 2025 Code of Iowa, to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.
9:35 — 9:40 — Break
9:40 –10:30 — Budget work session & Compensation Board recommendations for FY’26 elected officials and wages of the other employees
Resolutions: Resolution #2025-03-04-A Sale of Parcel in Truesdale
Action Items:
- Approve minutes of 2/25/2025 and accept reports
- Resolution #2025-03-04-A Sale of parcel in Truesdale
- Utility permit for Alliant Energy
- Request for a school class to tour the Courthouse in May
- Request to allow employees to donate vacation or comp time to an employee on family medical leave
- Treasurer’s Semi-Annual Report (12/31/24)
- Set Public Hearing for the Proposed Property Tax Levies
- Compensation Board FY’26 Salary Recommendations for elected officials
- FY’26 wage increases for non-elected County officials and their employees that are not under another Board
- FY’26 wage increases for all Secondary Road employees, except the County Engineer who is on a contract
Reports Submitted for review & acceptance: January NW IA YES Center minutes
Adjourn to: Tuesday, March 11 at 8:30 a.m. for a regular session and to canvass today’s Special Election
Outside copy distribution: KAYL, Storm Lake Pilot-Tribune, The Times, BV Journal, SR Bulletin Press, KTIV, KCAU, KMEG, KTLB, KICD, KJYL, KPWD, KCHE, Peterson Patriot, Fort Dodge Messenger, Omaha World Herald, City of Storm Lake, Farm Bureau, Storm Lake United, City of Alta, IA Lakes Corridor Development Corp., Jeff Heil. The agenda is also posted on the county’s website not less than 24 hours prior http://www.bvcountyiowa.com/index.php/board_of_supervisors/supervisors_agenda
***Buena Vista County Board of Supervisors Special Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 8:30 AM – 11:00AM (CDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
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Access Code: 796-164-757