The office of County Recorder was created by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa in 1839 and is responsible for recording and maintaining official records such as: deeds, contracts, mortgages, assignments, releases, state and federal tax liens, various affidavits, land surveys, subdivision plats, section corner certificates, condemnations, leases, trade names, 28E and drainage agreements, articles of incorporation, and numerous other documents.
The Recorder’s Office does not provide legal services and does not prepare legal documents.
Additional duties include issuing marriage licenses, registering and issuing certified births, deaths, and marriages records, as well as recording and maintaining military service records, and have agents that assist in processing passport applications.
The Buena Vista County Recorder’s office also issues ATV, ORV, ORM, Snowmobile and boat registrations, titles, and liens. As well as issues various licenses and tags such as: hunting, fishing, habitat, fur harvester, deer, turkey and more.